2024 OAPA Substance Abuse Lecture PURCHASE NOW

If you already purchased the full OAPA 51st CME conference THIS substance abuse hour is included in the 25 hours you can earn.

YOU DO NOT have to purchase this substance abuse lecture again.



OAPA 52nd Annual Fall CME Conference Information

Exhibitor Registration Open

Board Member Agreement


As a board member of Oklahoma Academy of Physician Assistants, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “OAPA”). I am fully committed and dedicated to the purpose of OAPA, and have pledged to carry out such purpose. I understand that my duties and responsibilities include the following:

1. I understand my legal responsibilities are to make good faith decisions (a duty of care); to be true to the purpose of the organization (a duty of obedience); and, to act in the best interest of OAPA (a duty of loyalty).

2. I will maintain the confidentially of information received through my service at OAPA and execute a Confidential Disclosure Agreement.

3. I am responsible for the oversight and implementation of the Bylaws and policies of OAPA.

4. I will take an active part in reviewing, approving, and monitoring the budget.

5. I will attend board meetings and be available for phone consultations.

6. I will read all consent agenda documentation prior to meetings.

7. I will adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy and the Whistleblower Policy. I acknowledge that I have received, read, and will follow such policies. I understand the policies and their necessity to the 501(c)(6) tax exempt status of OAPA.

8. I will take an active part to ensure OAPA is not being utilized to promote, advertise, market, sell or distribute intellectual property, goods or services which would lead to any form of private benefit to any member of the board or other individual.

9. I will volunteer to be a member of at least one committee.

10. If I am unable to meet my obligation as a board member, I will offer my resignation.

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Clear Signature