2024 OAPA Substance Abuse Lecture PURCHASE NOW

If you already purchased the full OAPA 51st CME conference THIS substance abuse hour is included in the 25 hours you can earn.

YOU DO NOT have to purchase this substance abuse lecture again.



OAPA 52nd Annual Fall CME Conference Information


State/National Info
Oklahoma State Health Department: https://coronavirus.health.ok.gov/

Oklahoma Open Up and Recover Safely Plan: https://www.okcommerce.gov/wp-content/uploads/Open-Up-and-Recover-Safely-Plan.pdf

Governor Stitt Executive Order: April 8, 2020

CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html

WHO: https://www.who.int/

Johns Hopkins: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus

IHME: http://www.healthdata.org/covid

Well Being Resources
Protecting the Mental Health for Healthcare Providers

CDC Guidance: Managing Stress during the Coronavirus

Telehealth/Billing Resources
Telehealth at an FQHC or RHC

BC/BS Telemedicine Copays


CMS Flexibilities to Fight COVID-19


PA Students & Recent Graduates who are NOT YET LICENSED and authorized to provide care relating to the Coronavirus Pandemic can secure $1,000,000 in Liability Insurance through CM&F Group. This coverage is offered as a student member benefit for FREE and designed to protect students against liability lawsuits. The insurance is available to secure at (AAPA / CM&F Landing Page) and as always you can contact CM&F directly at 1-800-221-4904 or info@cmfgroup.com with questions. Please note that if you are a licensed PA this “Student” coverage is not available. Full Time Liability Insurance protection must be purchased at www.cmfgroup.com.

COVID Care Force: To quickly mobilize a group of healthcare professionals to deploy to hotspots and areas of critical healthcare staffing shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of this volunteer force will be to serve wherever the need is greatest, whether in urban areas, or in community hospitals across rural America. Information can be found at www.covidcareforce.org

Health Hotline Volunteer: Please consider volunteering to help answer calls for the Oklahoma Department of Health Hotline in OKC or Tulsa. Sign up available through the OKMRC, https://www.okmrc.org/

OU Medicine COVID-19 Provider Capacity Surge Planning Survey: Your input will provide vital information critical to establishing a care strategy capable of delivering the best quality of care for patients, families and unfortunately even our colleagues who have been stricken with COVID-19. Emergency privileging processes and opportunities to volunteer or be remunerated for your participation in 12-hour shift coverage and telemedicine initiatives have been implemented. We do hope you join us in this fight and know how grateful we are for your time and support. Click here for survey.

VAMC Direct Hire

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has granted direct-hire authority to VA Medical Center Directors. Direct Hire Authority is a temporary authority granted to agencies by the Office of Personnel Management to hire individuals in an expedited manner.

There are 157+ locations with temp PA positions. This includes Oklahoma. VHA has lifted all hiring authorities. PAs can be hired via non-competitive, direct-hire, etc.

Please click link below for additional information and open positions.
