2024 OAPA Substance Abuse Lecture PURCHASE NOW

If you already purchased the full OAPA 51st CME conference THIS substance abuse hour is included in the 25 hours you can earn.

YOU DO NOT have to purchase this substance abuse lecture again.



OAPA 52nd Annual Fall CME Conference Information

Salary Guidelines

Increase Revenue

The typical PA brings in revenue of $231,000 with an average salary of approximately $110,000. An average PA can boost a practice’s bottom line by $30,000 or more. Training costs for PAs are one-fifth of an allopathic physician

According to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), PAs generate revenues beyond the cost of their paychecks. A study by the MGMA based on 2002 data revealed that for every dollar generated for PA care, the employer paid an average of 28 cents to employ the PA, or 32 cents to employ a surgical PA.

Salary Estimation

While the average salary is a rough guide, there are a number of factors that you should consider when hiring a PA. Such factors include; specialty, hours worked, on-call hours, benefits, profit sharing, and a wide variety of lesser factors. It may be difficult to come up with an exact figure because of these factors.  The OAPA is always willing to try and either answer your questions or put you in contact with people that can give you the best advice.