2024 OAPA Substance Abuse Lecture PURCHASE NOW

If you already purchased the full OAPA 51st CME conference THIS substance abuse hour is included in the 25 hours you can earn.

YOU DO NOT have to purchase this substance abuse lecture again.



OAPA 52nd Annual Fall CME Conference Information

Exhibitor Registration Open

Jeff Johnson, MD, FACEP

Dr. Johnson is an Emergency Physician with Green Country Emergency Physicians in Tulsa. He is also the Medical Director of the Hillcrest Medical Center Emergency Department. Dr. Johnson is a Hillcrest Medical Center Sepsis Champion, and a board member of Oklahoma College of Emergency Physicians. Dr. Johnson is also a Councilor with the American College of Emergency Physicians.

Surviving the Sepsis Campaign


  • Discuss Sepsis basics.
  • Examine latest data.
  • Describe beating the SEP-1 Core Measure.