Why Join The OAPA?
The OAPA serves as the collective “voice” on critical issues and is the only PA organization in the state of Oklahoma representing and acting with the PA in mind. A strong and united professional organization is vital to ensuring success for our profession now and for the future. With an OAPA membership, you’ll have access to valuable resources necessary to spearhead your PA career. The OAPA extends an invitation to all PAs and friends of the Oklahoma PA profession to join the state association. Below are the advantages of becoming an OAPA member.
Members receive a significant discount on OAPA-sponsored CME activities. OAPA offers an annual Fall CME Conference that helps you fulfill the necessary requirements to keep your Oklahoma license.
Members can log their CME hours with us and we will report them to the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision at no additional cost.
The OAPA has arranged discounts with several companies ranging from malpractice insurance to financial planning.
Containing updates regarding changes in PA laws and what OAPA is currently working on to better the practice of PAs in Oklahoma.
Our website provides access to a members-only section containing OAPA membership directory, updates on recent events affecting PAs, and more. This exclusive access allows members to stay informed and stay in touch.
OAPA is committed to helping our members find answers to difficult questions regarding the PA profession, such as reimbursement, licensure, credentialing, professional practice, etc.
Be involved in the lawmaking process! As an OAPA member, you can voice your views and opinions of what Oklahoma PAs need to practice effectively and bring quality health care to Oklahomans.
OAPA helps PAs find jobs in Oklahoma and gives prospective employers a way to advertise PA job openings at no charge. As an OAPA member, you have access to our online career center to look for PA positions across Oklahoma.